Future is…Augmented Reality Summit
Discover & explore augmented reality at the AR Summit, 20th June 2013
by Will Corry on April 3, 2013 in Apps, Apps & Software, Events, Events & Awards, Gadgets, Lead story, London & South East, Mobile, Retail News, Websites
Richard from Mojo Solutions writes.. Augmented Reality Summit is your chance to interact and engage directly from the industry leaders whilst discovering the future of AR first hand. Ticket Information
Why Visit
- Networking – the event offers a great opportunity to develop a personal and direct relationship with your current clients and meet and connect with new clients.
- Learn about new technologies & best practices
- Learn new skills – preview what other people are doing
- Listen to leading speakers
- Gain new ideas, try new concepts, be inspired
- Share experiences & discuss common problems
- Branding – with the quality and number of visitors who attend AR Summit, exhibiting gives you great brand exposure to the people who matter.
Future is…Augmented Reality Summit The growth of augmented reality in the past year has been huge with leading brands & technology providers adopting the technology to enhance their customer’s experiences. We have recently witnessed a number of key sectors embracing AR; from the gaming sector, top TV shows and leading brands, all of which shows signs that the future of AR is set to explode to new heights in advertising, gaming and in our everyday life’s
0830 – 0900 Registration 0915 – 0930
Chairman’s Introduction Ken Blakeslee – WebMobility Ventures 0930 – 1000
Keynote: An Augmented World AR represents a radical new way for people to interact with the data streams that have become so integral to our everyday lives. It has the power to inject a whole new level of hyper-relevance to the information we rely on, and drastically alter how we work, shop, play games, care for and even interact with each other. But how is this seismic computing shift expected to unfold? Where are the biggest opportunities and who will be there to leverage them?
1000 – 1030
What does the latest research tell us about how AR is growing and the role it will have in peoples’ business and personal lives?
- What’s driving annual growth of 54.3% in the AR market? - Leading hardware trends you need to be aware of within AR - What will the game-changing, killer AR application involve?
1030 – 1100
Morning Break 1100- 1145
Panel discussion: What are the technologies pushing AR industry development forward?: - Discuss AR opportunities and applications across different industry verticals - AR – giving wearable computing devices a reason to exist? - What is the role of the smartphone in the real world/data mix of the future? - Who is currently investing in AR development, where is the money?
Julian Harris, Senior Business Development Manager, QUALCOMM
1145 – 1215
AR showreel Showcase of IAR with Q&A
Metaio1215 – 1300 Panel: Educational AR – the richer way to tell the tale
- Case Studies: How are educational institutions applying AR techniques? - How AR technology enables more efficient learning - More than just entertainment: AR for engaging, interactive audience communication - Examine education’s responsibility to embrace important new technology
Rene Bastijans, Product Manager Future Technologies, Pearson
Farzana Latif, Educational Technology Project Manager, City University London
1300 – 1400
Lunch Break & Networking
1400 – 1430
Afternoon Keynote Nizar Romdan, Director of Ecosystem, ARM
1430 – 1450
How might social AR change the way we interact with each other? - Examine the role of AR within our ever growing social existence - How AR can deliver increased relevance in social content sharing - Weaving facial, image and mood technology into the AR experience - Examine social implications of widespread AR technology adoption?
1450 – 1520
AR Showreel Showcase of consumer use AR with Q&A Richard Carter, Digital Director, Bolser
1520- 1600 Panel: Augmented Reality eye wear – How does the world look through AR eyes?
- What defines the user experience around AR glasses?
- Enabling instantaneous, effortless access to information
- How personal is this channel? Marketing and advertising considerations
- What happens when AR technology just lives in our eyes all the time?
1600 – 1630
Afternoon break 1630 – 1700 UI for AR gesture, voice recognition & image recognition
- Examining the latest developments in gesture and voice-based user interfaces
- Applications for image and facial recognition, where are the big opportunities?
- Defining consumer and business opportunities in AR spatial collaboration1700 – 1720 Creating an connected world
17.20 – 19.00 Closing remarks – Drinks networking reception – Awards
AR Summit 2012 speakers included:
-Ken Blakeslee, Chairman, Webmobility Ventures
-Andy McCormick, 12ahead.
-Katz Kiely, Head of Digital, London 2012, Westfield
-Ann Longley, Head of Social Media, MEC
-Natasha Conetta Senior Customer Communications Manager, Virgin Media
-Ryan Davies, Digital Consultant, RAPP
-Julian Harris, Senior Business Development Manager, QUALCOMM
-Martin Copus, Executive Director, Sports Revolution Digital
-Sander Veenhof, Dutch new media artist
-Scott Fletcher, Head of Interactive, Play Nicely
-Lester Madden, Founder and Director, Augmented Planet
-Naji El-Arifi, Innovation Manager, Somo
-Julian Harris, Senior Business Development Manager, QUALCOMM
-Phill Smith, Demo Solutions Manager, ARM
-Antoine Brachet, Marketing Director, Total Immersion
-Adam Vahed, Managing Director, Apache Solutions
-Claire Boonstra, Co-founder, Layar
-Jessica Butcher, Co-founder and CMO, Blippar
-Tomo OHNO, Founder, Kudan
-Amit Kotecha, Mobile and Networks Manager, IAB
-Clark Dever, Technology Strategist, Vuzix
-Luke Robert Mason, Director of Virtual Futures
Tags: AR industry development, AR techniques, AR technology adoption, ARM, Augmented Reality Summit, Blippar, Bolser, City University London, Ecosystem, Farzana Latif, gesture and voice-based user interfaces, image and facial recognition, Julian Harris, Ken Blakeslee, Mojo Solutions, Nizar Romdan, Pearson, QUALCOMM, Rene Bastijans, Richard Carter, Sports Revolution Digital, Total Immersion, WebMobility Ventures Print article
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